"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."Phil 1:3

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Friday, February 20, 2009

More on Mia

I am so happy to be part of The Littlest Hero Project! I can't wait for the chance to do another session. Here's what Mia's mom wrote about her little hero.
"She is our 16-month-old blessing. Mia was born with Spina Bifida. She endured two surgeries within hours of her birth to fix the defect in her spine and to place a shunt to correct her hydrocephalus. She is a busy little girl going to lots of doctor’s appointments and receiving therapies. Though she is just beginning her journey, and the path ahead will not always be easy, she remains happy and resilient. Our supportive family and friends bless us daily, reminding us how good life is. Mia is our joy and our light. To us she is perfect in every single way! She is our Littlest Hero!"
If you or someone you know has a little hero please pass on the word about this wonderful organization or have them contact me directly for more information.

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