"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."Phil 1:3

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Baby Blue

Here's a peek at another adorable baby boy I had the fun of photographing this week. He was so much fun! I love this first one because that adoring look is for his mommy. Isn't it just the sweetest?

Monday, October 15, 2007


I love natural interaction shots. I often ask people to just forget that there is a camera pointed at them. Not so easy to do I know. (I'm sure I couldn't do it!) But I so love that this dad was able to do just that. He was so wrapped up in his new little guy. I just LOVE this shot. Look at the love and pure enjoyment of being a father on his face. I was actually planning to only get the baby and dad's hands in the shot but this one came up instead...Serendipity (my favorite word btw).

Congrats to you H & D on your new baby boy, you are a beautiful family!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Looking to the Future

One of the things I love about my job is meeting new people. It's always fun going to a session some where new. I never know what or who I'm going to get. It's always such a pleasure when they turn out to be as nice as D and his mom and the surroundings so perfect for photos. Here's a couple from his session using a fun new technique that I am loving!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Beautiful and Sweet

A beautiful day + two beautiful girls = a wonderful session! These two were as pretty inside as out too, just the sweetest girls. I'm so grateful to be blessed with a job I can enjoy this much. Thanks for the fun girls! Your gallery should be ready soon.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Tag...I'm it!

I was tagged about a month ago by my sweet friend Tressie and I promised her I would get to this. So here I am trying to come up with 8 things to tell you about myself. Ok, here we go.

1. "Be still and know that I am God" is my favorite bible verse. There is so much peace and comfort to be found in the knowledge of that short verse.

2. I stink at putting my thoughts in writing and I tend to be a private person. So it is very difficult for me to put myself 'out there', especially online. (I'm already fighting the urge to backspace or put this off for another day.)

3. I hated my name growing up. I resented that my siblings all got two completely normal and average names and I got saddled with two names that were never printed on any of the cool stuff. Like nameplates for your door or personalized stationary. Somewhere along the line though, I started liking it and the uniqueness of it that caused me to hate it in the first place. I don't even mind my middle name anymore.

4. Speaking of siblings, I have three and I am the baby. My oldest brother Don (See! Perfectly normal name.) is one of the funniest people I know. Even though he's ten years older then me and I could have been a total annoyance to him he was always nice. I can't remember a time he was ever mean to me. My other brother Rick (again, note the perfect normal-ness of the name) on the other hand loved to torture me growing up. Later the torture turned to teasing when he could no longer scare me with monsters in my closet. We lost him to cancer almost 12 years ago and I still miss him (and his teasing). My sister Barb (Barbara Ann no less, how do you go from naming a child Barbara Ann and then 3 years later choose Trula Dallas?!) was my big protector. She could chase me down and make me smell her dirty socks but no one else had better even think about it. And let me tell you I deserved it too. If Rick lived to torture me, then I lived to irritate my sister.

5. I'm only on five?! Did I mention this is hard for me? Ok this one is practically common knowledge but I love the Great Lakes! Lake Michigan is my favorite however, I would eagerly go with you to any one of the them. The beautiful beaches, the lighthouses, the crashing waves, the beach glass, the cool stones ... oh I love it all! Here's a shot of my favorite Lighthouse on Lake Superior.

6. I fell in love with my husband because he made me laugh. (He still does.) Uhoh, that's more about him then it is me...does this one still count?

7. I used to teach pre-school. Four year olds are still one of my favorite age groups to sit and chat with.

8. I tend to babble on occasion (i.e. #4 above) especially when I am tired.

Oh look I'm done! Yay! I think am now supposed to tag two more bloggers here but I think everyone I know (that has a blog) has already been tagged. That's what I get for procrastinating.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It's a two-fer!

Two posts in one day! This weekend I had another set of repeat siblings. I fell in love with these boys and their beautiful eyes 2 years ago at our first session together. This year I met them at a popular children's park and we let the boys lead the way. It was a fun morning for all of us and I think N and I are finally buds! He did awesome and I'm just so proud of him! I'm totally teasing his parents here by not posting the nice smile I got from him yet (but I did get one YAY!). I think anticipation is a wonderful thing. ;o) I hope to have your gallery finished up soon!

A Morning at the Park

You've probably figured it out by now that I am a very bad blogger! I have fallen so behind here. Here's a couple from a session last week. This was the fourth time I got the opportunity to visit with this little girl and I just love her. She is so sweet! Her little brother is such a little man and just as much fun to talk to. It's always a pleasure to see them again.