"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."Phil 1:3

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Sweet Beginnings

Had an opportunity to photograph this tiny new little guy today. He was so sweet and patient with all my fussing with him. Even so, I don't think he was impressed with his first photo shoot experience. Here's some highlights of his hard work.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Just Because...she deserves it!

The first "Just Because..." session recipient has been chosen! I'm still in the process of contacting her to let her know and get more details. But I can tell you she is a very deserving grandmother who was nominated by a co-worker. I'm excited about these new Just Because sessions this year! After her session is completed I will post here asking for new entries for the next one. So start thinking about who you would like to nominate!